This is your opportunity to bring the loan present or request a modification to permit you to remain in the house. A loan is generally thought-about to be in default after the third missed cost. Foreclosure occurs if you fall several months behind in your mortgage payments, after which the lender will repossess your property. If there are tenants in the house that was foreclosed on, the new proprietor should honor the existing lease. BUT when the tenants have a month-to-month lease or the owner/landlord also lives in the house that is being foreclosed on, the brand new proprietor can evict the tenants or former owner/landlord.
Maybe attempt to get a second opinion from another regulation agency to no less than ensure your whole choices are being scoped out. If the home was bought at public sale, the previous homeowner must move out of the house, and the model new house owner can do with the house as they please. Some folks transfer into the home as their permanent residence while others hire out or sell the house and make a revenue. Since the mortgage investor, phrases of the loan and specific state pointers management the policies of the public …